About GanderCoin

GanderCoin is a cryptocurrency launched as India’s first crypto coin which is developed up on Scrypt Cryptography. The ticker symbol of GanderCoin is GAND.

The main objective of GanderCoin is to restructure the traditional payment methods and enable a modernistic peer-to-peer transactions. All the transactions of GanderCoin remain end-to-end encrypted which means only the buyers and sellers can access the records.

Nurturing Decentralization

The GanderCoin network is connected through dispersed 'nodes' that verify the legitimacy of a new block before connecting it to the chain. The GanderCoin Ecosystem is a far more secure network than a centralized system. To alter the blockchain, a person would need to hack every node and tamper with every block, which is practically impossible. It is distributed over a structurally decentralized network so that nobody can interfere with the transactions.

Most Secure Network

In the GanderCoin cryptographic chain, each new block is connected to all the blocks that came before it in a way that makes tampering with it almost impossible. A consensus mechanism verifies and accepts each transaction included inside the blocks, guaranteeing that each transaction is accurate and truthful.

GanderCoin being on blockchain, reduces the risks of frauds and cyberattacks in its transactions. The GanderCoin runtime environment is being coded in C++ using C++ Editor and the Algorithm of Scrypt to generate the GanderCoin Hash Function making GanderCoin accessible to a wide range of developers.